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Home » Summer School – registration is open

Summer School – registration is open

You are warmly invited to Summer School 2019 at University of Kent!

Expect a week of exhaustion and elation! We will be continuing to develop upon the theme of jiu ippon kumite, with an emphasis on kicking and the body condition required for it being likely themes…

For those who have not experienced it before, think of the intensity of a weekend course over an entire week. Throw in the chance to build practice partnerships to challenge you and push your level up, some different ideas, and you have a course estimated last year to be worth over 10 weeks of practice. There is also a good social atmosphere and the occasional tipple if you are that way inclined. On the last night we have a formal dinner which will be followed by a ceilidh based on the success of last year.

Sports therapists/masseuses 

We will also have our usual sports therapists/masseuses Polly and Zoe to deal with the usual leg aches from an intense week of practice. Sessions are £17 per half hour and as the more experienced members can testify, well worth it! This year we will trial an early booking system. If for travel reasons you would like a room before the course starts on Friday 10 th August, this will be booked for an additional £25.


Prices have been kept at £260 for complete summer school novices, £310 for Kyu grades and students and £360 for black belt non-students. Registration and payment is through the new KDS website. Closing date for booking is 15thJuly to allow for rooms to be booked and suitably allocated by Ali.

We look forward to seeing you and having a rewarding week!

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22 Feb Bethnal Green, all gradesCourse information