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Home » Newcastle – all grades course in June

Newcastle – all grades course in June

 June 7th to 9th 2019

Newcastle KDS warmly invites all KDS members to the last UK all grades weekend course before Summer School. The course is open to everyone and will be led by Marie Kellett 5th Dan.

We are hosting this year’s course in the High-Performance Centre within the University of Northumbria’s Coach Lane Campus (a 15-minute drive from the City Centre). As always, we’re planning a couple of cracking socials so it’s promising to be an excellent weekend!


Coach Lane Sports Centre
Coach Lane Campus
East Coach Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne

Practice Times

Friday 7th June 18:30 – 20:00 All Grades
Saturday 8th June 10:00 – 12:00 All Grades
Saturday 8th June 14:00 – 16:30 All Grades 
Sunday 9th June 10:00 – 13:00 All Grades 


Full weekend: 35, Concessions 25
One day: 20, Concessions 15

Cheques made payable to Newcastle KDS. Thank you.


A list of nearby hotels can be found here:



A La Carte Turkish Cuisine at Lezzett


World Banquet & Bar at Za Za Bazaar, all you can eat world buffet – £16 per head or £12 for Students (with valid NUS card).

Please, can all clubs RSVP Emmal ([email protected]) with an indication of numbers for both socials by June 1st?

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Aug 10 - 17 Summer School!Course information